martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

TIME GOES FAST! By Lucía Suárez.

      Time is going so fast, we've been here for a week and it looks like we arrived yesterday.
Today, 15th of september my alarm clock sound at 7:30 so I woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. It was like a normal day but this time instead of going by bus kelly's mum took us by car to school. We arrived quite early so we had to wait a bit until classes began. We had four classes and then we had a break of 15 minutes where we ate our snack. We went back to class but this time we had three hours of english before the lunch. We corrected homework and then our teacher gave us some sheets with exercises. In the lunchtime I ate a chicken wrap and that was my day at school. In the afternoon I took the bus with Kelly to go home and we have just already arrived. We had dinner and now we are in the living room watching a film. In the evening we are going to a football match and then we will come soon because tomorrow we have classes again!!
      I'm having a really good time here in Ireland and Im sure I will repeat again💗💗

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